The source of the Baolai Hot Springs is about 2.5 kilometers from their namesake village in the northern tip of Liouguei Township. Shihdong is the oldest hot spring site in Baolai, but it is relatively less well-known due to its remoteness. In the early 1980s, hot spring operators began piping the spring water to Baolai village for the development of hot spring spas and hotels. The spring resorts, along with Miaotong Temple, have attracted growing numbers of visitors to Baolai, fueling the local economy. The Bulao Hot Springs are named after the Laonong River tributary where they are located. The spas here were damaged by a typhoon and are currently being rebuilt.
Special Features
The Baolai and Bulao hot springs are both fed by slightly alkaline sodium bicarbonate water. The soft water of the Bulao springs is said to make bathers feel youthfully restored, thus their name, which loosely means "forever young." Most of the springs at Baolai are concentrated at the upper reaches of the Baolai River. These natural springs are about 40~50 degrees centigrade and suitable for drinking and bathing. The springs issue from a cavity in the rock and are therefore also known as the Shihdong ("Rock Cave") Hot Springs.
Spring Type
Sodium bicarbonate spring
White sulfur spring
Public Transportation

Take Kaohsiung Bus 8038 to Baolai
Take Kaohsiung Passenger Bus 8033 to Bulao.
1-day tour of Mino, Qishan, and Baolai Hot Springs
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